Sunday, October 21, 2012

EVD 60mm Ludus Doctore - Update #2

Although I still had some tweaking to do on the flesh, I started work on the rest of the figure as well. The leather jerkin that is worn would have most likely be tanned leather so my color choice here for a base coat was Burnt Sienna with some Orange added. This was stippled to indicate a tiny amount of texture and allowed to dry.
Afterwards a wash of Burnt Umber was applied to the fur, wrist protection and the jerkin. A wash of Van Dyke Brown with a tiny amount of Mars Black was applied to the shoes. Deep Cadmium Red mixed with Titanium White was applied to the trousers and highlights worked with Titanium White. A little Yellow Ochre was added to the red in the lowest quarter inch or so of the legs to show a dirty color shift. This will be worked later using some crisp over-painting and glazing.
A second wash of Burnt Umber has been applied in the photos below. Additionally I have done a bit more work on the flesh highlights with touches of white. A few shadows have been worked on the jerkin using Burnt Umber.
Another wash, Van Dyke Brown, as well as some deep shadow glazing on the leather jerkin. Further highlighting of the trousers was done using a lighter version of the initial color mix.
Mars Brown was applied to the belting and a mix of Burnt Umber and Mars Black to the fur. The whip was painted with the Umber/Black mixture as well. Mars Black was applied to the blade of the figure's Gladius and wiped off to darken the kit metal to a more realistic color and finish. Raw Umber and Yellow Ochre dots were mixed with Titanium White to get a very light ivory/bone color for the sword hilt. Light dry-brushing of the post using Titanium White with Van Dyke Brown added gives the aged look more realism in the wood, while Yellow Ochre and White were used to make the cuts look more recently exposed to the elements. From this point on it will all be about crisp detailing on the fur, belts leather, edging etc.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

EVD 60mm Ludus Doctore - Update #1

As with all of my figures, everything begins with the flesh and this figure is no exception. It has been 15 years since the last time I had to paint African flesh tones so a bit of a refresher was required before starting. In those fifteen years my painting style and technique have changed as well so this has been quite a new and challenging project to this point.
I began with a basic mix of Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, a bit of Yellow Ochre and Prussian Blue added to darken the mix and cool the tones a bit. This was applied overall and the excess removed with a soft brush. Prussian Blue and Burnt Umber were mixed and applied to shadow areas and blended. Titanium White with a bit of Yellow Ochre added was used to start lifting the highlights. This produced the initial work that you see in the next two photos.
Once dry, further shadows were worked with a mixture of Burnt Umber and Prussian Blue used as a thin glaze. Layering thin glazes tend to begin to dull the finish as they dry. This contributes greatly to a more realistic finish for flesh with the use of oils. Not to flat and not to shiny, just right. Again after drying, further highlights were picked up using Titanium White glazes.
A touch of Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Umber in the lips and a few hot spots of white on the lips, nose, chin and neck muscles set the final tones.
Additional work was done on the post with light washes of Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Van Dyke Brown, Mars Black (in that order) to draw out the graining of the wood and aging the post. Additionally some initial tonal work was done on the figure's shoes and the sand.