Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Soldiers SR-17 Completed

It's always nice to get a figure finished that has seemed to take far longer than planned. This one was so close that once the George I Bust got completed I just rolled into this one as well. Completed as a study in true battle appearance, this figure has been weathered and muddied to show a true battle presentation. I hope I have been successful. These techniques will be applied to a grouping of figures that I plan to tackle soon so the experience will no doubt come in handy.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Michael Miniatures George I - Complete!!

Well it is complete! I choose everything I paint based on some artistic or challenging aspect to the subject or casting. This piece offered a bit of everything and then some. I have enjoyed every minute like a book that you just can't put down. I will now let it set for a few days and then as always go back and revisit to find any little areas that need a bit more attention. Perhaps a crisper highlight here, a bit more shadow there or a second coat of Modelmaster flat acrylic over the blue. One never knows.