A few notes about color choices are probably in order. The jacket started as a mixture of Daniel Smith "Sevres Blue" and a bit of Prussian Blue from W&N. Shadows were layered in with pure Prussian Blue and first highlights were added with Titanium White. All of this was done while the paint was still wet, blending as I went. After it dried I further shadowed the blue with a glaze of Prussian Blue and outlined the belts with this blue and a hint of Mars Black. Now that other colors have been added I will add further highlights to sharpen the details. The piping and color are initially a coat of Cadmium Red Deep with a touch of black. Again highlights and shadows will be added in the next steps. A base coat of Medium Cadmium Yellow was applied over a Vallejo flesh basecoat on the waist sash with Dioxazine Purple added to the shadows. The leather is in it's infant stages with an initial coat of Burnt Umber mixed with a tiny dab of Mars Black. I will now start to build the highlights using Mars Brown glazes on all the highlights. As always an initial coat of Gold printers ink is mixed with Burnt Umber to lay in all of the metallic lace and decorations. From this point on it's all in the details and the addition of the loose parts (Horsehair crest, pouch and chin-scales). My next update should be around the end of the week or this weekend.