Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Heavy Roman Infantry - First Painting Session

It was a nice evening to finally start painting these two figures. As always I began with the flesh on both. Here are photos of the full figures from a few different angles. If nothing else it shows the wealth of detail that Adriano gets in his 54mm figures.

These last two photos are close-ups of the faces at this early stage. I never cease to be amazed at the detail and character that Adriano can get in his faces. I have used my usual mix of Burnt Sienna, Medium Cad. Red, Medium Cad. Yellow and a touch more Yellow Ochre than I normally use. Once applied and the excess removed, the first highlights were added and then I started working touches of the base mixture mixed with Prussian Blue into the areas where you would expect some early beard growth. I then went back to work the highlights with more of the usual yellow/white oils. In the case of SR-60, I think this is the most work I have done wet-on-wet in a long time. Once I feel that I am starting to muddy the colors I stop but this face let me pull out the highlight blends longer than usual.

Once dry I will work on the shadows mouth and eyes before adding final highlights.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst v. Sachsen-Weimar - Update

My work on this bust has been along the lines of making everything darker before lightening it back up it seems. In the process of working on shadows I decided the whole piece needed a darker feel. In the end this is going to work out well as there is a lot of little detail work that needs to pop out to be seen. The bandalier and it's belt are highly decorated in silver details and there is a wonderful texture that would only show up if made darer like this. The same holds true for the gold lace on the tunic. You will see what I mean when you next see this piece. I have also been lightening and detailing the plume of the helmet as well. The feathers are fluffy and not longer single feathers so it is difficult not to make it look more like fur. I'm still working on it. Stay tuned for more.

Heavy Roman Infantry - Finally Ready To Paint

So after all the time I have spent recently exploring my love of World War I and Imperial German subjects I am finally ready to get started painting these two figures. The base has been primed with Floquil "Dirt" as a base color to recreate the earth tone found in this part of the world. The figures have been primed as usual with automotive flat white primer. As can be seen, one of the figures will have mail and leggings that were masked prior to priming. I do like to use the base of the metal casting for these items.

Of particular note would be the use of the original SR-39 in certain areas as the basis for the creation of SR-60. This is particularly noticeable on the shield arms of both figures as well as the folds in the pant legs (left knee). These things will be less noticeable once the shields have been attached.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ulrich Puchala 1/10th Ferdinand Graf v. Zeppelin - Completed

One of the current projects is completed. There will be some little details I might see after it's sat for awhile but complete for the moment. Now on to the other bust. Hopefully completed by next weekend. I have also primed my two Romans so work can begin there as well.