At this stage my focus is on the clothing and armor. When painting clothing I start from areas closest to the skin or bottom layers and build up from there. In this case my thoughts are on the pants followed by tunic and then the leather, lastly the body armor. Having said that, some work can and should be done out of order to allow a bit of sloppiness in the application of shadow colors or in the case of the armor, simply to allow for the number of layers required to build depth of color, highlight and shadow. What I mean by
sloppiness is that my shadow for the edges of the leather will also help me with the shadow tones of the tunic where it rests under the various leather
pteruges. This should become evident in my next post. A mix of Burnt Sienna, Mars Black, Burnt Umber and Titanium White was used to paint the pants. First highlights were added using a wet-on-wet blending technique.
My next focus is the armor. First a wash of Mars Black was applied to the helmet and greaves as well as the "manica" armor on this Roman's right arm. after drying, the armor was lightly wiped with a bit of lint free cloth to expose the brighter highlights. The scale armor was begun with a mixture of Burnt Umber and Bright Gold printers ink. Once dry a wash of Burnt Umber was applied overall and a bit of Van Dyke Brown to deeper shadowed areas. I did experiment in a few spots with Mars Brown and Van Dyke Brown on the leather edging to test coloration.
The next steps will be working on the off white tunic, leather work as well as final highlighting and shadows on the pants. This will be followed by further work on the armor and helmet.