Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pegaso's 54mm Guillaume de Vienne - Painting the Rider

So as with the horse I layed down a red acrylic basecoat followed by the same shades of Red listed in the previous post. The face was painted next with heavier shadows and stronger highlights than normal so that the features would be seen through the "basket" (I must admit to not knowing the technical term for this piece on this style of tournament helmet) once attached. A brown base coat was applied to the wooden weapon.

The same process with the eagles was followed on the front, back and sleeves of the jupon. Similarly to the horse's tabbard, blue was applied to the showing undersides of the jupon. Prussian Blue and Titanium White were used for wet on wet shading, with W&N Indigo used for the shadows, Mars Black deep shadows and the worn edging highlights were completed with Indigo and Titanium White to cut the blue and grey it somewhat.

Breeches and belts painted as well.

Rider attached to the horse and top of helm attached to rider (primed for painting). On to the groundwork painting and the stirrups and reins. Just two more eagles to paint.


  1. Great work on the heraldry, like the subtle blending!

    well done on a tricky finish,


  2. Hi Jim
    I have write to you some days ago for to know the most important book shop on line in USA (not amazon etc but also phisically with the shop...).

    On the other hand I want ask to you if you have some image of Toison d'or subjets painted by you (Not Vienne, Masmines and Duke but other...). I'm in realization of a special book on the complete armorial od this knight.

    Your sincerely

